Special Occasion
The first SportFest in PMCF's history is celebrated joyfully in the month of April 2008 (on 7 April) at Adventist Institute for International Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, in the Philippines. Eighty one participants come from different university, schools and seminaries all over in the Philippines. We are thankful and most welcome participants from Center Luzon State University (CLSU) and Bagiou city.
By the grace of God, we started at 8.30 AM in the morning with full feeling of joy and ended at 7.30 PM in the evening with happy bye-bye each other without any accident and bad feeling. Our special thanks goes to Dr. Dennis Shu Maung, Petron of PMCF for his opening address and Saya U Khin Maung Kyi and his wife for their over-all taking care of the SportFest.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to donators for the SportFest. Below are their donations.
1. Students from Miriam College .... Lunch
2. Pu Mawia & family ... Dinner
3. Saya U Khin Mg Kyi & family ... Drinking water & Soft drinks
4. Dr. Seng Raw ... Awards for the SportFest
5. Saya Adam Thang ... SportFest materials
Meter 200 race of the SportFest
Highlight of the month
1. PMCF Prayer Night (Group as well as Individual): Every Friday night2. Prayer for Kachin people and Kachin State
3. Worship Service led by APNTS & SATS
4. Refreshment offfered by Dr. Thein Swe & family
5. Sermon: Saya Adam Thang
*Upcoming special program in next month: Mothers' Day