Special Concern
The Tropical Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar on 3 May 2008 severely. Five regions in Myanmar were declared disaster zones Sunday after Tropical Cyclone Nargis smashed hundreds of houses, knocked out electricity and left at least four people dead. [I] note: later reports now put the death toll at nearly 4000 with many more persons reported missing. Some areas of the Irriwaddy delta are so devasted that rescue workers have been unable to access them].
The Tropical Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar on 3 May 2008 severely. Five regions in Myanmar were declared disaster zones Sunday after Tropical Cyclone Nargis smashed hundreds of houses, knocked out electricity and left at least four people dead. [I] note: later reports now put the death toll at nearly 4000 with many more persons reported missing. Some areas of the Irriwaddy delta are so devasted that rescue workers have been unable to access them].
Click HERE for full story.
PMCF Concerns for the Month May 2008
1. Natural Disaster (by Nargis Cyclone) in our country
2. Worship Service of May:
1) Leader... Asian Seminary of Christian Ministry
2) Song ... AUP
3) Refreshment... Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Clifford Van Thang
4) Prayer of the month... Kayah people and Kayah State
3. Special Mothers' Day celebration (on 11 May 2008)
3. Special Mothers' Day celebration (on 11 May 2008)
4. Nationwide Referendum (To be held on 10 May 2008)
5. PMCF Magazine (To be completed in May 2008)
Magazine Committee Meeting held on 17 FEB 2008
Below images show damages in our country:
YANGON (Reuters) - Countries worldwide promised help to Myanmar after a cyclone killed 10,000 people in just one town, suggesting the overall death toll in the impoverished military-run Southeast Asian nation will be much higher.
"In Irrawaddy division the death toll amounts to more than 10,000," said Tuesday morning's Myanmar TV broadcast. "The missing is about 3,000. In Bogalay, the death toll is about 10,000."
"In Irrawaddy division the death toll amounts to more than 10,000," said Tuesday morning's Myanmar TV broadcast. "The missing is about 3,000. In Bogalay, the death toll is about 10,000."
Click HERE for full story.
The Lord Says,