Tuesday, September 9, 2008

BMCF Activities

One of 45 line public bus completely burned and destroyed yesterday about 11:00 AM said Free Mon media group. According to the news four passengers died and others injured.


BMCF (Bagiou Myanmar Christian Fellowship) is under the umbrella of PMCF. The BMCF meets gethering together fellowship once-a month. Below pictures are some activities of BMCF.
BMCF 8/2008

The speaker of the fellowship this time gethering is Saya Aung Moe Tun, graduating M. Div. student from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) held at PBTS class room on 7 September 2008.

BMCF 6/2008
The fellowship is marked with the presence of special guest speaker Dr. Dr. Gilbert Montecastro, Dean of Student Affairs, PBTS (Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary) met at PBTS's class room on 29 June 2008.

BMCF 7/2008

The fellowship is very much inspiring with full heart prayers of each members. The place of gethering is at Pastor David's residence on 3 August 2008.