Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Charge to PMCF Graduating Students



Scholars in our PMCF family, who have graduated, are graduating, and will graduate in this year 2009; many joys and thrills are shared with you all as you culminate your studies with success and happiness here in Philippines. With one heart and voice we say, “CONGRATULATIONS!” to you all.

You have experienced many trials; you have seen God meet your needs and prayers. This alone is your personal growth in your relationship with God. As you enter your field of work for God, each lesson you have learned in school and daily life will make you a better, stronger, and successful worker for Christ in the future.

We, on behalf of Philippine Myanmar Christian Fellowship, trust each one of you will become a spiritual leader, one with conviction and will stand for truth, a leader who has a vision to do more for God. Our country needs Christian faithful leaders and waiting leaders and we strongly believe each one of you have potential to occupy that position.

Our prayer is that the Lord will bless you and use you for His glory wherever you serve Him. Our utmost wish and prayer also is that by your wisdom and commitment, wisdom and knowledge, love and zeal, service and ministry, the people of Myanmar will be richly blessed. We hold and lift up our hands and hearts together with yours as you prepare to serve the Lord.

May peace and goodwill from the Lord be with you all, our graduate scholars!



March 15, 2009
